European Confederation of Watercolour Societies



The following organizations constitute the ECWS :

  • Associazione Italiana Acquerellisti (AIA; Italy)
  • Aquarelinstituut van België (AIB; Belgium)
  • Nordiska Akvarellsällskapet (NAS; Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
  • Agrupaciòn de Acuarelistas Vascos (AAV;Spain)
  • Agrupaciòn Española de Acuarelistas (AEDA; Spain)
  • Agrupacio d’Acuarelistes de Catalunya (AAC; Spain)
  • Agrupaciòn de Acuarelistas de Andalucìa (AAA; Spain)
  • Finnish Watercolour Society (FWS; Finland)
  • Grupo de Acuarelistas de Baleares (GAB; Spain)
  • Société Française de l’Aquarelle (SFA; France)
  • Eesti Akvarellistide Ühendus (EWS ; Estonia)
  • Stowarzyszenie Akwarelistów Polskich (PWS ; Poland)


They are henceforth called “member-societies”.

They agree upon the following articles :


Article 1 :

The ECWS is an artistic, cultural, a-political and free association of Watercolour Societies without any economic objective. It is a factual association and has no special legal status. The cooperation of the member-societies is on a voluntary basis according to the principles set out in this convention.


Article 2 : aims

The aims of the ECWS are:

  • to internationally promote the art of Watercolour Painting
  • to foster cooperation among national and regional Watercolour Societies
  • to promote the artistic activities of its member-societies and their member artists

Article 3 : activities

In the framework of the ECWS, activities (such as: international exhibitions of watercolours, workshops for painters in watercolours, discussion meetings, publication of catalogues or books and any other projects which further the aims of the ECWS) will be organized on a regular basis.

The initiative and organization of these activities will be taken on by the member-societies in turn, in such a way that the burden is evenly spread.

To minimize the administrative work which these activities would require, it is suggested that the member-societies consider the ECWS activities as an extension of their own activities and integrate them in their own working.

It is also suggested that new member-societies are exempt of organizing an activity during the first two years so that they can gain experience of the working of the ECWS.

The member-societies that organize an ECWS-activity are held responsible to guarantee the highest artistic standards. This implies that for participation to exhibitions and catalogues selection by a jury may be invoked.

In case of prolonged inactivity in organizing an ECWS event, a member can be suspended from participation in ECWS activities.


Article 4 : finance

The ECWS has no budget of its own.

There is no contribution to be paid by the member-societies for membership of the ECWS.

The general financial costs that an activity entails (such as: rent for exhibition space, publicity, printing, insurance…) will be met via a contribution by the participating individual artists.

Personal expenses (such as travel, lodging, transport of paintings…) will be paid by the participating individual artists.


Article 5 : membership

The ECWS being a confederation of Watercolour Societies has no individuals as members.

Any established Watercolour Society can adhere to the ECWS upon invitation by the founding member-societies and upon proposal by a member-society. A member-society can withdraw from the ECWS by written notification to the ECWS-coordinator.

The individual members of an ECWS member-society are free not to participate in ECWS activities.


Article 6 : location and communication

The official seat of the ECWS is at the seat of the AIA Associazione Italiana Acquerellisti, Via Ciardi 25, 20148 Milano, Italy.

It can in the future rotate among the different member-societies, if so desired.

The communication language is English.

Each member-society should appoint a “ECWS liaison officer”, i.e. a person in charge of the communication between the ECWS member-societies. The coordinates of the communication channel should be clearly stated and dispose of e-mail and telephone.


Article 7 : duration

The present convention will be extended from year to year unless a majority of the member-societies wishes to change it.


Article 8 : signatures

The ECWS was founded in Mol (Belgium) on March 14, 1998.

The present convention is agreed upon and signed by the presidents of the member-societies.

  • for the founding society AIA, Angelo GORLINI (president) : 14.03.98;
  • for the founding society AIB, Swa CLAES (president) : 14.03.98;
  • for the NAS, Björn ERICSSON (president) : 16.02.00;
  • for the AADA, Juan CARMANIU (president) : 25.01.01;
  • for the AAV, Juan Antonio URIARTE (president) : 08.02.01;
  • for the AEDA, Jaime GALDEANO (president) : 05.04.01;
  • for the AAC, Vincenc B.BALLESTAR (president) : 15.04.02;
  • for the AAA, Lucas PRADO (president) : 28.05.02;
  • for the FWS, Anti LASSILA (president) : 01.09.03;
  • for the GAB, Juan AGUILAR CABALLERO (president) : 22.12.03;
  • for the SFA, Annie CHEMIN (president): 31.03.06;
  • for the EWS, Tiiu PALLO-VAIK : 20.07.11;
  • for the PWS, Ryszard Rogala (president) 13.09.2012
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